What Happens When Your Lease Ends
If you’ve never signed up for a lease, you may not know what happens when it expires. Ninety days before it ends, you’ll receive a notification that you need to get it inspected for the return. This can be done here or by an independent inspector.
Before you return it, you’ll want to examine your options. Most leases end and pick up with a new Chevy vehicle. Usually, the lessee will choose the latest model or a new one within the lineup. If this works for you, you’ll turn the current lease in and begin shopping for another Trailblazer.
With all the style your Trailblazer offers, you may consider keeping the car. But how do you do that? Talk to our finance experts, and they can close out the lease and draw up a contract to pay a loan from now on. Then the Chevy is yours!
Other drivers may have enjoyed their experience but realize it’s not for them. Or they may be interested in another Chevy and prefer to buy the car. Whatever you do, we’re happy to accommodate you and wish you well.